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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Stop Communalism to Start Progress

Communalism is a global phenomenon and its root mainly lies in political interest, economic inequality and social insecurity of groups of people living in a geographical territory. India which is a multi-religious and a diversified cultural country the existence of communalism is evident but it's growth can be restricted with right policies and strategies. A clash of ideological dichotomy often raise communalism and this division was intently built by British empire in India to disturb the cultural harmony through segregating the Hindus; the majority of the country and Muslims the largest minority of India. The purpose of this divide was easy governance and weakening the strength of Indians for the freedom struggle.

At last they succeed to divide the country on religious ground and the birth of Pakistan was the most unfortunate event for the country in the past century. Even after the division of the country this communal hatred didn't stop as majority of Indian Muslims preferred to stay in India due to their love towards the homeland. The over-populated country struggling with economic backwardness and poor infrastructure further evoked the hatred and bad feelings towards each other due to the rising competition in jobs, business, education and life-style. Though these things were unavoidable but manageable. Unfortunately none of the government in the past 65 years tried to resolve the key issues and in spite of bridging the gap between the two communities they further enhanced the distance between the two for their vested political interest.
A country who fought bravely with all the foreign powers and where people of both the communities remain united at every difficult time now forget it's rich history of unparalleled Hindu-Muslim fraternity, their unity at the time of sorrows and joint celebrations at each victory. We can once again restore this bonding, eradicate hostility and bring closer the two sides which is not only in the interest of the two communities but for the whole nation which is determined to position it as the world's super power by the 2025.

To achieve this dream internal harmony is the most essential thing, no country can raise unless it resolves the internal conflicts and we too can do this. Now, to restore harmony and peace in the country our politicians must first stop the blame game. Finding the solution of a problem is as important as recognising a problem and for this political parties must display true sincerity and honest patriotism. Their serious and sincere efforts can spoil the game of fanatic clerics and demi-gods who voluntarily misguide innocent masses for their self interest and profits. I hope we will definitely see a united India once again and very soon the country will lead the entire world.

Role of the Censor Board in Safeguarding the Interest of the Society

Before giving a green signal to movie for release the Censor Board of India should give due consideration to variety of aspects about the content of the film, these include subject line, language, sex & violence and sentiments of the viewers. As cinema is known as the mirror of society and it contribute in moulding the character of the youth, a mere negligence can vitiate the learning habits of the youth. Though the prime purpose of films and television is entertainment but this entertainment should be wholesome and as per the culture and ethos of the Indian audience.
I notice a paradigm shift in the objectivity of Bollywood, earlier the film makers were serious in projecting the social and cultural problems of the masses. In 1950s many movies screened which were not only entertaining but these were also capable share a message and create awareness. Do Beegha Zameen by Bimal Roy, Mother India by Mehboob Khan, Awara by  Raj Kapoor, Naya Daur by B.R. Chopra and Do Ankhen Barah Haath by V. Shanta Ram were the movies of that golden age which were not only successful on the box-office but these movies tugged to the hearts of millions of Indian people. Cinema is a part of mass-media and it should be as per the needs and aspirations of masses, entertaining as well as informative. It is the tendency of human mind that it learn more easily through audio-video description and if it is entertaining too then it lasts for a long time in our memory.

Undesirable and excessive use of filthy language, vulgar scenes and brutal violence may appeal the senses of irresponsible and fanatic people but majority of people who live in reality and act sensibly feel offensive by inappropriate and indecent content. Censor Board which has considerable power over the screening of films must ensure itself that the film is eligible for public acceptability before giving the certificate. Moreover, extending 'A' certificate doesn't mean that the producer can incorporate anything as per his/her wish without considering the interest of the society and the nation.

Therefore, it is the duty of censor board to filter all the objectionable content which can lead astray children and youth on the wrong path. The rising cases of Juvenile crime in present era are most of the time influenced by movies. Moreover, the Indian government should also grant right to the censor board for monitoring the movies on the internet and blocking the objectionable content to save the innocence of children who are the future of our country.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Confront Inequality to Conquer Tomorrow

I am neither a Marxist nor an advocate of anti-capitalist economic philosophy, being a steward of justice and proponent of absolute human equality which sounds like utopia to many confer that inequality is causing diabolical threats to the world peace. This inequality is not restricted to income disparity only- a huge gap between the haves and haves not. To a wider extent inequality is spreading its wing in almost every socio-economic activity in the world. Be it gender discrimination, foeticide, racialism, freedom of expression, adaption of religious thoughts or participation in governance and administration the evil of inequality divided the whole world into different cluttered groups and regions.

In the world of 7 billion people, majority is still deprived of basic human needs and amenities. At one end people in developed countries like the US and UK are facing problems such as obesity due to over nutrition but the majority in Africa and Asia is a victim of malnutrition and even starvation in countries like Sudan and Somalia. Women of developed countries spending billions on cosmetics and luxuries but there are millions of women in third world countries deprived of substantial clothes to cover their modesty. Each year thousands of women in these poor countries are compelled to fast even during the pregnancy.

Rich used to look down the poor and they reciprocate with hatred, violence, extortion and killing of innocent people. As, being rich is not a crime, living in poverty is not a choice too. Now, the question arises, do the rich are judicious in spending money lavishly? or the resources they are using liberally are meant for their consumption only. Why blacks are born to serve and whites to rule over them? The answer is simple and evident that this inequality is not God created, it is developed by some greedy and insane people of the developed countries who wants to create their palaces on the graves of dying humanity. Inequality is not the end product of resource allocation by nature, rather it is the farce distribution and management of natural resources by a mouthful of rich and powerful people.

If we want to see a better world tomorrow, free from terrorism, violence, regional conflicts, social disharmonies, racial hatred and burgeoning hostility between haves and haves-not, then rather making economic groups and association the policy makers should act boldly with all sincerity and cooperation of all to end equality in this world which is the pre-requisite of future's growth, prosperity and advancement.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Corporate Governance Required Right Vision And Right Framework

Corporate Governance is an economic instrument of managing and controlling the market and its derivatives. There are many factors like globalisation, technology and mobility inhabitants are accountable for the regular changes and fickleness in the marketplace and it is the serious need that government must take serious steps to avoid Satyam like market frauds. To adverse the negative impact of corporate activities on community and industry there is a need to evaluate the Companies Act 2013. Stakeholders have brought up issues over various conditions of the new regulation and the Commerce Ministry has also held conversations with the industries to address the issues.

Section 462 of the Act envisages relaxations in the form of not implementing some conditions or implementing them with exclusions or variations to specific class/classes of companies. India is bit slow in developing corporate governance ideas. The Companies Bill includes a number of new conditions targeted at helping the governance of public companies. The base of the Indian corporate governance design is affected by the UK's governance design. Despite significant variations in the policy framework of the two nations why Indian implemented the UK model is really a big question.

The Securities and Exchange Board of  India (SEBI), recently released a consultative paper on the evaluation of Business Govt. SEBI goes on to recommend making extreme changes like the consultation of separate administrators by community traders and he/she must receive necessary coaching and must pass a determining exams and the adopting of concept based approach.

There is a need for appropriate controlling mechanism in the Indian market which remain closed for decades in the past. To maintain visibility in the marketplace and to encourage foreign traders. No one would like to take interest in the instable and out of control market, here forth a controlled and internationally accepted corporate governance model is the demand of vibrant and changing Indian economy. The recent SEBI suggestions that the imitation of UK'S Corporate Governance Model is not feasible in Indian context as the UK-based model should be implemented very carefully given the extreme characteristics of certain suggestions is a right suggestion of Securities and Exchange Board of  India (SEBI).

Monday, 6 October 2014

Gandhism or Extremism, what's your choice?

Thousands and lakhs of Indian participated in the freedom struggle. They were canned, jailed, hanged and even slaughtered brutally by the forces of British empire. The mass revolt emerged in 1857 but failed due to lack of strong leadership. From 1857 to 1920 the struggle to liberate India continued but the same problem of weak leadership or in fact the absence of leadership never allowed the country to achieve the goal of emancipation.

It was the vision, perseverance and the undaunted spirit of  Mahatma Gandhi that bring the whole nation on the same platform. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and others got bonded under the leadership of the apostle of non-violence. The country which was divided in the name of religion, caste and race followed the Mahatma in a unified manner. It was the unbiased character of M.K. Gandhi that compelled the Muslim to choose him as a leader of Khilfat movement. The four tenets of his undisputed personality; truth, non-violence, love and human brotherhood become the mass weapon of India's freedom struggle and eventually India got Independence after 190 year of slavery. 

Criticised to withdraw non-cooperation movement after the chori-chora incident by various sections of extremists. The advocate of peace and love remained firm on non-violence till his death. It was the non-violence which made Gandhi a hero in European media, an undaunted leader before the British empire, a lovable figure among the Indian masses and an incorrigible maverick in the eyes of extremists, who were really short-sighted and short vision people and it was the extremism that dragged the unified India into a tussle of communal divide and lastly the unfortunate division of the multi-lingual and multi-religion country.

It is really an indelible blot in the face of India which can never ever be forgotten by the people of India who really love this country, who are following the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, who are against all sorts of discriminations, who respect every religion and who love every human. And, how can one forget the bitter truth that the man who spent all his life for the nation, the man who always thought about the nation not for himself and his family and the man who was the spearhead of India's independence become a victim of his own people and what the British Empire couldn't do in thirty years disloyal Indians didn't take more than six months, they assassinated the apostle of peace and once again led the country into communal disharmony. Freedom is lethal, a jinx for insane and irresponsible people and if we really love humanity and are loyal towards India we should follow the steps of Mahatma Gandhi rather than the fanatics and extremists.